Safeguarding Briefing for General Synod – February 2023

Jan 23, 2023 | General News / Views

The briefing linked below has been prepared and edited for members of the General Synod by victims and survivors of abuse in the Church of England.

Our group includes women and men, ordained and lay, some who still believe, and others whose experience of the Church makes belief impossible. We have experienced physical, sexual and spiritual abuse. Our abusers include bishops, deans, clergy and other Church employees. You will understand our scepticism when we are told that bishops, deans, clergy and other Church employees are the right people to sort this out.

Updates / Responses to the briefing

Member’s motion to tackle exclusion of Independent Safeguarding Board from Synod
2 Feb 2023 – Church Times

Will General Synod be allowed to debate the Independent Safeguarding Board? (David Lamming)
5 Feb 2023 – Surviving Church

ISB remains off the Synod’s agenda despite members’ concerns
6 Feb 2023 – Church Times