The Church of England Redress Scheme page states that the scheme “is not yet open for applications.”  At the time of writing (July 2024) it is already 840+ days overdue from the initial promise by the Church in public statements.

The scheme is designed to give ‘redress’ to those victims and survivors of abuse from within the Church, some of whom continue to suffer highly compromised lives due to the suffering of their abuse.

House of Survivors has a number of predictions:

Considerable pressure will be needed to hold the Church to what it has so far promised. In the collective experience of survivors, the Archbishops’ Council is not noted for its transparency. We are aware that there are senior figures hidden within the folds of the hierarchy who will be looking to negate or at least delay the promises so far made.

Having said that, our prediction is that the Scheme will hopefully be underway by September 2025. The general election has already delayed progress, as a new Ecclesiastical Committee in Parliament will need to be formed so that decisions so far agreed by Synod can go through their final parliamentary process.

We estimate the eventual bill for the Church of England to be in excess of £half a billion. Compare this with the increase on funds made by the Church Commissioners in an average year. It’s about the same.

It is notable that Ecclesiastical Insurance who have contributed much harm to survivors and considerable reputational damage to their main client the Church, have exited stage-left. They and their parent trust, Benefact Trust, have abandoned responsibility and left their client to sort out the mess. We predict that questions will continue to be raised in Synod, but ultimately the symbiotic relationship between Church and its insurer will be maintained. There is too much vested interest for it to be otherwise. But the relationship will never be as cozy as it once was. Trust between the two has evaporated.

House of Survivors predict 2025 and 2026 will begin the ‘years of apology’. Senior figures will finally face calls from many survivors for accountability and apology for many bad behaviors towards us as we carried forward our cases. Apology is a vital part of redress, but is likely to be contentious in some situations; senior figures have been slow to recognise that transparency and apology will be necessary.

House of Survivors are two survivors who curate a ‘narrative wisdom’ site. As such we cannot offer support or advocacy. But our advice to any considering the Scheme would be to begin to think about a possible advocate before the Scheme opens. Our understanding is that the Church will be paying advocates and solicitors separately and not out of the Redress Scheme fund.

We will try to update this page as frequently as possible to provide information on timings, eligibility and Terms of Reference when available.  Prior to activation of the Redress Scheme, survivors may be eligible to claim support from the Interim Support Scheme (ISS).

More information can be found below, along with all major news articles on the scheme to date.

Main Church of England National Redress Scheme page

Redress Scheme FAQs

Church of England Redress Blog

We have collated prominent articles on the redress scheme below.  The article links are listed in chronological order, to follow the timeline from the first (top) to last (bottom).

Church of England’s £200million compensation scheme will pay out victims of historic sex abuse by bishops and clergy
Sept 26, 2020
Daily Mail

Church of England approves compensation for sexual abuse survivors
Sept 28, 2020

Towards a Theology of Redress
Oct 16, 2020
Surviving Church

What do we mean by Redress?
Oct 19, 2020
Surviving Church

BLM and Redress Schemes
Nov 20, 2020
Surviving Church

Interim Support Scheme and Redress Scheme
July 25, 2021
Surviving Church

Redress project update December 2022
Dec 19, 2022
Church of England

Church of England national Redress Scheme
June 20, 2023
Church of England

Church’s redress scheme for survivors ‘to start next year’ with £150m from Commissioners
June 20, 2023
Church Times

Church of England to set up £150m fund for victims of church-related abuse
June 20, 2023

Church of England says abuse compensation scheme ‘broadest yet’
June 20, 2023

No limit on what CofE will spend on abuse redress scheme says Bishop
June 21, 2023
Premier Christian News

General Synod Digest: Bishop Mountstephen tells Synod that grace and law will work together in Redress Scheme
July 14, 2023
Church Times

Church of England abuse – proper redress and accountability needed for survivors
Sept 18, 2023
Leigh Day blog

Synod approves next step for national redress scheme
Nov 14, 2023
Church of England

PCCs may have to foot the bill for abuse claims, Synod members warn
Nov 14, 2023
Church Times

Church of England takes next step towards Redress for abuse victims
Nov 14, 2023

Church of England Synod approves next steps for national redress scheme
Nov 14, 2023
Anglican Ink

General Synod Digest: Survivor Redress Scheme pushed forward with reservations
Nov 24, 2023
Church Times

Ecclesiastical Insurance will not take part in redress scheme for victims of church-related abuse
Feb 16, 2024
Church Times

Church of England announces administrator of its national redress scheme
March 20, 2024
Church of England

Survivors could be paid £660,000 in C of E’s four-stage redress scheme
April 25, 2024
Church Times

National Redress Scheme: Proposed financial award framework and approach to funding
April 26, 2024
Anglican Ink

Redress Scheme Update
July 9, 2024
Church of England

General Synod digest: Redress Scheme for survivors passes revision stage
July 12, 2024
Church Times